Breastfeeding can be intense


Laura's story

Both my sons have had tongue-ties.

My eldest was born during Covid and went into neonatal care soon after birth. The NICO staff were so supportive spent time helping me to feed him.

Second time around I knew what to look for and so the journey was quicker and smoother.

With my eldest I began combi-feeding when I returned to work as I’ve never enjoyed pumping and found a balance of breastfeeding when we were together and then giving formula at childcare. We continued feeding until he weaned at two years. A year was my original plan but we got there and we weren’t ready to stop

With Nate I plan to breastfeed as long as he wants as it is the easiest way to get him off to sleep, especially as we co-sleep, he latches himself in the night and goes back to sleep.

As my first was during Covid we used to just latch and cuddle on the sofa watching boxsets. This time I have had more of a routine having both of them. Slings and carrying have helped massively with the juggle and means I can give my eldest my time and attention. I’ve also got more of a Mum social life and met people, however this has meant much more breastfeeding in public. My first time was really daunting but I have met other mums who are breastfeeding and have much less anxiety about it, babies need to feed a lot and will feed wherever.

My husband has always been very supportive, he always says he gets to do all the other stuff and doesn’t miss out.

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