Breastfeeding is not an easy journey


Francesca's story


Breastfeeding is not an easy journey, and I think you've got to go into it with a bit of gumption, because I think you need to understand that your body might say, "I don't really know what I'm doing to begin with," as it might do when it's your first child especially, but there's no harm in still giving it a go, because at the end of the day, eventually your body might say no to it, and then you know that. So you've just got to find your cutoff point, I suppose, as to when you keep trying and when you don't. And we were close to that, I must admit, I think we would've given it a couple more days and after about 10 days, two weeks, maybe if it hadn't have worked, we would've said no. But everyone's different, aren't they? But be prepared that things aren't always going to go right, but there's no harm in trying.

The best thing about breastfeeding is the bond I think you get with your baby, I think there is nothing like that. And I know holding them, you get that bond, but I think just having that bond of having the breastfeeding, knowing that you're giving them such good stuff from your body as well, something that I'll just never forget though. Yeah, I think it was amazing.

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