Brothers’ bond through tandem feeding


Holly's story

I have two boys: Joseph who is nearly two and Noah who is eight-weeks-old.

I was really lucky and found breastfeeding Joseph really natural and easy. He put on weight every time he was weighed, and has always been healthy. I have loved our breastfeeding journey and found our bond so special.

Before having him, I thought breastfeeding was something you did for six months until your baby started solids.

If you break the mould by breastfeeding past the ‘baby’ stage, people have an opinion - when I truly believe if your baby is happy and healthy it's 100% your choice.

The bond Joseph and Noah have created in such a short time is amazing and I really think it's from tandem feeding (feeding them both at the same time). Joseph will stroke Noah while they are feeding, hold his little hand and he’ll even encourage me to feed them together, by saying 'Baba' and patting my chest.

Feeding Noah has been really similar to Joseph. I’ve found it really natural. I love it and feel so happy I am able to continue my breastfeeding journey with both my boys. Noah is doing so well and is already more than double his birth weight two months in.


The message I want to pass on is if you want to breastfeed, you can do it. There are breastfeeding groups out there and a community of mummy's waiting to support you.

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