I wanted to prove them wrong


Hannah's story

I’d planned to exclusively breastfeed while pregnant until I found out I was having twins. I still wanted to breastfeed but I was more open to combi-feeding as I knew how hard it can be with one baby as I breastfed my older son.

I’ve had some hard moments, especially when the twins were very small as their little mouths were so tiny. But the support I received this time around was excellent both in the hospital and the community. The hardest part about feeding twins has probably how intense it can be. One night they were cluster feeding for six hours, but it is also wonderful, particularly when I manage a tandem feed and look down at them both happily drinking away.

My breastfeeding tips are:

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Make use of the support in the hospital to get things off to a good start. Go to a support group, see a specialist if you need to.
  • Cluster feeding is completely normal to get your supply going - it is so tough and can really make you feel like you don't have enough milk but in all likelihood you do. Keep going!
  • Drink loads and whatever you do, don't forget the snacks.
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