Hope Church (KCHFT Health Visiting Team with support from the Infant Feeding Team)
The Mill Lane Centre, Mill Ln, Sevenoaks
The Mill Lane Centre, Mill Ln, Sevenoaks
This session is run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Every Thursday
There is no drop-in Feb 27th, March 13th and April 24th
Type of session
At the session
Sevenoaks Health Visiting Team with support from the Infant Feeding Team
These breastfeeding drop-in sessions are supportive, social, and welcome all pregnant and breastfeeding women and their families, including partners. Trained Breastfeeding Champions from the local Health Visiting Teams are working alongside the specialist infant feeding team and will be able to provide information and help if you have a breastfeeding concern. Get more information and support for parenting under-fives at www.kentcht.nhs.uk/kent-baby.
Any other details