One of the most rewarding experiences


Genna's story

Breastfeeding my boys has been the most incredible journey I have done and I can’t recommend it enough to others. It is hard at times but it’s honestly one of the most rewarding experiences. The bond you have is the best and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I fell pregnant with my third child when my second was four-and-a-half-months old. I continued to breastfeed during this pregnancy luckily. No one knew much about tandem feeding so it was all guess work. The main thing I was told is always offer the baby first to make sure he was getting what he needed. This is what I did.

I found my newborn’s latch really painful. My nipples became sore, blistered and bleeding. I dreaded every feed and became upset when I knew he wanted a feed. I spoke to the midwife and she told me where to go to get this checked. It turned out he had a tongue-tie. That was quickly cut and then things went much better. We tandem fed for two years and the closeness and bond the three of us shared was truly amazing.

I wanted to help other mums, especially those who were tandem feeding because there was little help or advice for me when I needed it. I trained as a breastfeeding support volunteer and I really do enjoy this so much.

I’m now on my third breastfeeding journey. He's eleven-months and we’re going strong.

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